Loot Generator Level 1 Level 1


Module description

This is the Loot Generator, a module designed to randomly create small rewards, possessions or goods from the world around the characters. These created objects can be the belongings that are in a traveler's cart, the possessions that a villager keeps in his home or even what a peasant has on him at the moment. These objects can be used to equip a non-player character (NPC) in sandbox or to improvise the equipment of an adventurer the players meet in the middle of the road. It is a simple but very powerful tool.

Loots are small rewards given to players for successfully completing certain quests. Alternatively, loots are also part of the profit gained from a robbery, heist or scam. These loots are mostly made up of mundane objects, tools, materials, beads or luxurious belongings. Treasures, on the other hand, are large bounties that also usually bring with them very precious goods such as jewelry, artifacts of power or even magical items. This is the main difference, while loot is a small prize with mundane items, treasures are large rewards with magical items.

Part of the database used for these news is the intellectual property of Ben (Orkish Blade). We thank him for his express permission for this project.  If you want to know all the credits of this post with the thanks for his authorisations and inspirational content click Here. Some data have been obtained from the dandwiki dandwiki.

How does this module work?

Simply click on Generate to randomly display a loot. Alternatively, you can select which type of loot you prefer: Very Common, Uncommon or Rare. This field determines which types of objects will be preferred. 

  1. Items: This box shows the non-player character's belongings, which includes everyday items, luxury items, rare materials and obscure materials. The value of these materials is at the Game Director's discretion, since this is a Generic Roleplaying module and does not have a currency implemented. If you want to see item costs you will have to go to the corresponding game modules.

  2. Equipment: These are the non-player character's equipment. They don't have to be equipped all the time, they can be stored or hidden in plain sight. They are diverse weapons and armor, some with popular names like "Armor of the night" that represents any type of armor at the Game Director's discretion, but with a clear connotation towards a story, background or appearance of the object itself.

  3. Miscellaneous trinkets: These are mostly trinkets that can be of any type. From useless and ridiculous objects (who knows how they got there), to enchanted objects or small curiosities that give life to the world. In itself, the beads can have a secondary intrigue associated with them if the Game Director wishes, giving rise to improvisation and generating more diversity and richness in the game. The value of the beads will be determined by the Game Director, since most of them will be objects with more sentimental and emotional value than real value.

  4. Miscellaneous Potions and Poisons: Alternatively to a bead, it is possible that vials and bottles with an unknown content will be generated. In bold will appear what the liquid is with a description of its effects. In italics and gray color will appear a description of its attributes. In this way, the Game Director will be able to give information to the players about characteristics of the contained liquid, but without knowing how it works or really what it is until it is identified by a professional or they make use of it. The primary effect is the most direct, and is usually associated with a failure on poison resistance rolls. In some potions and poisons there are side effects. These secondary effects always have an effect, regardless of whether or not the contents were resisted. Note: These are potions and poisons that do not always have a magical component, but a mundane one, so demons, angels and other higher beings need not be affected by them. In poisons, the name in parentheses is the popular name of the substance.


Generic Role



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