Pursuit and Ambush Simulator Level 1 Level 1

Module description

This is the Pursuit and Ambush Simulator for role-playing games. It is a very useful tool when a DM wants to be impartial when a group of enemies is out to get the players. This can happen because they have done something they shouldn't have or have upset someone influential with their actions. Whether it is the law, the government or a villain, if the players are being pursued, with this simulator you will be able to know when they are found and who the pursuers are.

It is a simple simulator that seeks to give life to the world surrounding the role-playing game. There are non-player characters with reprisals or villains who had given up and come back to try to take revenge. Whatever the reason, this simulator helps to develop the encounter and give tension to the players, making them think more about their actions and taking care of their tracks. It can also be used when a price has been put on the lives of the characters and they are in "search and seizure". 

When to use this simulator? We recommend doing an "ambush check" every time the players arrive at an urban center. Whether it is new or one that players are used to visiting, every time they arrive at the location is a good time to do a Simulation Check. Alternatively, every 7 days "in-game" is also a good indicator of whether the pursuers have caught up with the players. This is a generic simulator, so it works for any game based on epic medieval fantasy. Of course, it is valid for D&D (Dungeons & Dragons, DnD) and Pathfinder among others.

How does this module work?

Simply select the parameters and variables of the simulator and press "Simulate".  The resolution of the search will be given along with some optional features about the possible encounter, timing and data about the pursuer. Descriptions of some of these parameters are shown below:

- Distance: This symbolizes in the equation how far the players are from the place where the reward was offered for their capture or from where the pursuers started the search. For example, if the players are fleeing from a city where they committed a crime, this will be the reference point for this variable. This is an approximate distance, it is not required to know the exact kilometers.

RewardIt is the reward that the pursuers will receive if they find the players. In the case of a government or the law, this field symbolizes how important it is for the agency to find them. So a "Very Low" reward could mean that, for example, the crime committed was not very serious and the players are not being thoroughly searched for.

Time: It symbolizes the time elapsed since the search and seizure order was given until today. For example, if the players offended a powerful nobleman a month ago "in-game" then this will be the elapsed time. It is important to delimit this field, since time is one of the most determining factors in pursuits.

OthersThese are fields that only need to be selected if the players meet the requirements. They are all cumulative, so if players change their clothes, but also their name and at the same time disguise themselves, they will have a good chance of not being found. The point "Someone/something protects the players" is when there is a third character who actively buys informants or covers the players' tracks. It also represents possible spells used by the players to go undetected.


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