This is the plant and herb generator for role-playing games. It is a module with specific rules for Dungeons & Dragons (D&D, DnD). However, the rules can be perfectly adapted to any other game system. The plants shown in this generator are for medieval fantasy games, so it will often allude to magical beings from these worlds. What is the purpose of such a module? When a player wishes to inspect an area for special herbs he will have to make a survival check (or any analog in another game). If the player succeeds in his search he will have found a type of plant with some special property. This is the moment when the DM will be able to generate one and show it to the player. There are spells that allow to find plants. In these cases this generator will help to create what plants are present in the area and identify them better.
The herbalist character starts knowing a number of herbs equal to 3 x INT x degree of expertise in herbalism. Thus, with herbalism grade 1 and an intelligence of 12 he will know 36 herbs. A character with a herbalism level of 2 and an intelligence of 9 will know 54 herbs. The D.M. will decide which herbs are known, taking into account the climate and the location of the area where the P.J. comes from.
Part of the database used for this module is the intellectual property of Shaun Hately. We thank you for your express authorization for this project. The name of the work is THE GUIDE TO HERBS FOR RPGS. 5th Edition. By Shaun Hately. If you want to know all the credits of this post with thanks for their authorizations and inspirational content, click here. Thanks also to other authors who participate in this work and to Ben (Orkish Blade) which with its content has filled in those climatic zones and biomes without specific plants. Some of the content belongs to Open Game License OGL. This content is not official D&D content, but an approximation for Game Masters based on D20 system. This is not an official generator, just one inspired by and compatible with this universe.
Just press "Generate" to display a special plant for the players. Remember that this generator always gives plants with some special property, so it must be the reward for passing a difficulty test. Otherwise, the player will either not have recognized the plant or will not have found any other than a mundane tree or plant of no special interest.
Name: This is what the herb is called.
Climatic Zone: This describes the climatic zone or zones in which the herb can be found.
Locale/Biome: This describes the region or regions in which the herb can be found.
Preparation: This describes how long a herb needs to be prepared before it can be used.
Cost: The cost before the / is the cost of the herb in raw form. The cost after the / is the cost of buying the herb ready to use.
Uses: The number of uses indicates how much of the herb can be found at any one time.
Ability Check: The ability check is the value that must be rolled under on a d20 for the use of the herb to be successful. The GM should decide what effects these herbs have if any.
Description: This section describes what the herb can do.