Maps of Cities, Towns and Villages (by Oleg Dolya) Level 2 Level 2

Module description

This is the Map Generator for urban centers. From hamlets, villages, towns and cities to metropolis. In this module only a conceptual plan of the settlement will be shown. If you want to generate particularities, names or buildings, click here.

This tool only generates maps and blueprints for your role-playing games, be it Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, GURPS, Aquelarre or any other medieval fantasy game. These maps are provided by Oleg Dolya, a creator of fantasy maps and we thank him for his contribution to the web and the role-playing community.

How does this module work?

Just click on "Generate" and a plan of the urban nucleus selected in "Settlement type" will be displayed. You can also print the result by clicking on the "Print" button.


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