Treasures and Rewards Level 1 Level 1


Module description

The Reward and Treasure Generator is a random module that creates luxury items, useful items (potions and poisons) and magical artifacts. The generated content can be the players' reward for successfully completing a quest, the treasure accumulated over decades by a villain or the belongings hidden by a famous merchant in his safe. Alternatively, it can also be used to equip important characters, thus giving them equipment more in line with their rank or power. This random generation tool is intended for any role-playing game, with generic descriptions and unquantified special abilities for the Game Master to improvise and draw inspiration from.

Rewards and treasures are important prizes given to players for successful quests. They consist of items, gems, artwork, materials and even beads and spell artifacts with special value. How much money each item costs will depend on the game system you are using. In this module, being generic, their value has not been quantified, so it will be up to the Game Master to decide. Unlike loot, treasures have enchanted items and magical artifacts.

Part of the database used for these news is the intellectual property of Ben (Orkish Blade). We thank him for his express permission for this project.  If you want to know all the credits of this post with the thanks for his authorisations and inspirational content click Here Some data have been obtained from the dandwiki database.

How does this module work?

Pressing the Generate button will randomly create a reward. Alternatively you can choose the Treasure Type between: Very Common, Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary. These levels influence the power of the generated items, the latter being much more powerful and useful than the former.

  • Items: This box shows luxury items and special materials with some value. The money value of the materials will depend on the Game Master, as in the other sections of this module.

  • Equipment: It is composed of a weapon and armor. The armor can be referred to by the common name by which it is known to this type. For example, an "Armor of Faith" may be Templar plate armor, popularly named for the religious insignia engraved on the breastplate.

  • Treasures: The treasures generated have at "Very Common" a trinket and a magic item, while higher levels have a potion/poison and a magic item of greater power. The trinkets are objects at first glance without a very practical use, being curious objects, with sentimental value for someone or that could initiate a secondary mission. Potions and poisons have particularities as secondary effects. These effects arise when the primary effect is resisted by the user or target that has ingested them. Here we will explain some points to keep in mind when using this random treasure generator.

    • Some objects have their own name, this is because they belong to characters with a certain reputation or it is the name by which it is popularly known to those who can recognize it.

    • When a magical artifact is created several creation options may appear, the Game Master will have to select only one of them, either the one that best suits the player who has received it or the plot of the campaign. For example: Reduce damage by fire, cold or electricity (25%).  Here you will have to choose only one element (for example only 25% fire resistance). The number in brackets is the amount of that specific element you are able to reduce.

    • It is possible that some artifacts have been created for a particular purpose (optional) or that their creator has incorporated a curse so that anyone using it, other than the owner, will suffer some specific consequence when using it. This section is linked, if the Game Master wants, to the Magic Will Simulator module, where you can check if a player resists the will of the magic object, overcoming it and becoming its new owner, or the opposite, being subjugated to a dark purpose that must be fulfilled. You will find more information in the module mentioned above.

    • The alignment of the object is the aura, the magic that was imprinted on the artifact when its creator made it (which is usually the aura of its creator). Occasionally it may have some significance, however, evil auras can have consequences on their bearers, just as good magic items can cause conflicts for evil characters when they use them.

    • It is possible that some effects carry in brackets some indications. If it carries (∞) it means that it has an infinite time of use or can be used an infinite number of times. In case it specifies (Damage from a Sword, Damage from a Dagger or Damage from a Mandoble) it means that its special ability incorporates an extra damage to the normal one that would be used. This is because it is a generic module that could be used in any role-playing game system. For example, if a Sword does extra ice damage (x2 Damage of a Dagger) it means that to the normal damage of a sword, this being magical will add the equivalent of 2 EXTRA dagger damage each time it hits the target. In the case of Dungeon and Dragons, this damage would be 1D6+2D4 cold damage.

    • Similar to the previous point, "Damage by [X]" can be used to refer to damage absorption or healing. Other times it will come represented by a %, meaning that when an attack hits the target, there is a chance that the target will miss or that a % of the damage will be absorbed.

    • There are some magic items that add a bonus to a skill or attribute and is represented by a %. This means that when the item is created and the player touches it for the first time, you must calculate this % to the player's attribute/skill, and this value will be imprinted forever on the item. For example: If a player with 15 strength picks up an item that gives a 20% bonus to strength when equipped, it means that this item will add +3 to his strength. This parameter will already be invariable, so even if the player increases his strength in the future, this item will always give +3 to Strength.  Round up.

    • Finally, magic items that only have vague descriptions of their effects means that the Game Master is the one who will decide the scope of the item, as they are mostly utilities.

It is important to remember that even in worlds where magic is commonplace and everyday, it is never without danger and its continued use could have long-term consequences. Furthermore, each object is enchanted for a particular purpose, and these purposes could be supervened upon by the bearer if he or she is not the actual owner of the object. In this case, there are also objects such as religious relics or legendary weapons that have a reputation but no apparent special power. The simple fact of having performed a great feat with these objects could link some unusual feature that goes unnoticed, or that the simple fact of its history already makes it special and feared by its enemies.


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