Statistics Calculator Age of Sigmar (AoS) Level 1 Level 1

Module description

** To clear the data, simply change the number of attacks in the unit and press "Calculate". Changing the attack data resets the log and statistics.

If you want to see the Warhammer 40K 10Th edition calculator click here.

This is the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Calculator. It is a tool to calculate statistics concerning attacks, either combat or shooting (even adaptable to spells and abilities). This module allows you to program the attributes of units and make single rolls. Once 3 or more rolls have been made it makes statistical calculations to provide means, variances, deviations and a graph to illustrate the most likely results. The result is always the wounds inflicted, with fatal wounds calculated and all saves and safeguards taken..

The statistics provided calculate the average damage stats for Warhammer AOS units. The arithmetic average together with the deviation gives a quicker idea of the result, although the most accurate is to use the graph and the probability intervals. In this calculator the number of wounds of each miniature has not been taken into account, so only direct unsaved wounds are shown and you will have to calculate the total casualties yourself. In short, this is a tool to calculate and compare the damage results of Warhammer Age of Sigmar units (also called Mathhammer or Teorihammer). The probability data is rounded so it has no decimal places, giving exact numbers of wounds inflicted.

This content is not official Games Workshop, but an approximation for players inspired by Warhammer AOS parameters. This is not an official Games Wokshop tool, just a tool inspired by the calculator from Historias de Warhammer which has a different but also very useful programming allowing you to roll 10,000 rolls at a time and calculate the unsaved damage by a very accurate average. 

How does this module work?

Simply choose the attributes of the attacking/defending unit and click "Calculate". This will generate an isolated roll and give the result of the wounds. After clicking at least 3 times, the statistics and odds of the roll will be given. Each configurable parameter of the calculator is explained below:

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Combat Attributes

- Attacks: Represents the number of attacks of the weapon profile used. If a miniature has more than one weapon they will have to be calculated separately unless the rest of the parameters are the same (hit, wound, pierce, damage and skills). In this case you could add both profiles and calculate them equally. In case a unit hits twice you can double the attacks directly (e.g. if Gotrek hits last and his enemy survives).

- Hit: The weapon profile shown on the Data Sheet to hit this weapon. If there are any bonuses or penalties, you will need to apply them before selecting them in the gauge (for example, a unit that hits Archaon has a -1 to hit, so if it was hitting at 4+ as a base, it will now hit at 5+).

- Wound: As with the hit parameter you will need to add bonuses/penalisers before selecting it. Later on you will be able to select additional effects that occur when a specific result occurs.

Rending: This is the Rending of weapons and will directly affect the save of enemy miniatures. If a weapon has no rending it will remain as 0 which is the equivalent of "-" of the AOS Warscrolls.

Damage: You can choose between fixed and random damage. If a spell (such as Flaming Sword) affects that model you must add the bonus to the total damage before selecting it. In the case of random damage, the same applies. You can choose 1D3, 1D3+1, 1D6, 1D6+1, etc. damage.

- Random Attacks: To calculate with this parameter, where it says Attacks will be Miniatures, as these attacks will be multiplied by the random number of their hits. There are miniatures and units that have random attacks. This means that the number of attacks can be 1D6, 1D3, etc. They usually represent animals, companions or mounts of the miniatures.

- Re-rolls to impact or wound: It is possible that by means of abilities or spells a miniature can reroll hit or wound rolls of 1's (which are always failures) or reroll all failed ones. In this case you will have to choose the appropriate one here.

- Effects on wound and hit: Each unit's Warscroll is unique and it is possible for the unit to have some additional effect when a specific die roll is rolled. In this parameter you will find a list of skills that you can select to represent your unit. If any important ones are missing, please write to us in Contact to complete it.

Saves: The enemy's basic and primary attribute when saving normal wounds. If it has any bonuses they will have to be listed separately as there are rules restricting the maximum positive bonus to the roll.

Wards: This is a saving throw in addition to the saving throw. It is important to differentiate between general saves (which are able to avoid weapon damage) and saves that only avoid mortal wounds.

Warhammer AOS Dice and Rolls Statistics and Probabilities (Mean Average)

Isolated rolls: The Wounds Caused Track (after saves) shows the final wounds caused by the attacks (already adding up mortal wounds and after saves/salvages). These single rolls represent what would happen if a player rolled the dice in this combat. Each time "Calculate" is clicked, a new die roll will be created and added to the history. A minimum of 3 rolls are required to start calculating the overall odds. The more rolls made the more accurate the statistics will be.

Odds on the rolls: Once we have more than 3 rolls, probability intervals that follow a gaussian bell will be displayed next to the most likely injuries. The extremes (0.1% probability) are the rarest to see, while the most common (68.2%) encompasses what will happen most commonly. This parameter combines the mean, standard deviation and variance together with the coefficient of variation to give accurate statistical results.

Arithmetic mean: It is the simplest statistical tool to use and easy to understand. It represents a more meaningful number of wounds (the most common number of wounds). A deviation (± X wounds) has been added to make it more accurate. This parameter captures the average damage each unit is expected to do against another unit. This average is a calculated value of each roll (not simulated by percentages).

Graph: The more rolls we make, the more representative the graph will be and the better information it will give us about the wounds we can cause. It follows a "Gaussian Bell" pattern where the most likely outcomes are in the centre and the most unusual ones are on the sides. At the end it represents the generation of the simulations to collect the Discrete and Cumulative Probability, as well as various sampling metrics (mean, maximum, variance, etc.).





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