This is the Random Dungeon Generator for Role Playing Games (from D&D to any medieval fantasy system such as Pathfinder, GURPS, Aquelarre, etc). This is a very special module, since it is the basis of many adventures for the players. With this generator the Game Master will be able to improvise dungeons on the fly or be inspired by their pre-game construction. The term "Dungeon" in role-playing games does not only refer to prisons, but has a broader meaning. It encompasses any hostile place where an adventure takes place for the players, and as a rule they are dark, dangerous and laden with rewards.
This module is complemented by the rewards and treasures (rewards for completing the dungeon), Loot Generator (generator of items stripped from enemies and room chests) and the dungeon map module (which generates the maps). Being a generic module, no specific game mechanics have been added, being a narrative description that is valid for any role-playing game.
Part of the database used for these dungeons is intellectual property of Ben (Orkish Blade). We thank him for his express authorization for this project. If you want to know all the credits of this post with the thanks for his authorizations and inspirational content click Here.
Just click on "Generate" and all the content related to dungeons will be displayed randomly. You can also choose a specific theme in the "Dungeon Type" tab. There are three different fields in this module: Dungeons, Rooms and Enemy Packs.
This module can be used to improvise during the game by linking it to other modules. In as little as 2 minutes the Game Master will be able to generate everything needed for that moment when the players have gone off course. Example:
The players go off the path, beyond the forest, because they have heard that people are disappearing crossing that area. (Continent and isles map generator: point with skull signifying trouble spot). Once at the designated spot, they discover that it is a temple under a mountain. One of the players has heard about it before: an abandoned temple-observatory of famous merchants... (content of this module). The dungeon has several rooms connected by a single corridor. (dungeon map module).
But the players are not alone. They soon notice that a band of kobolds (ugly, stooped goblins), led by a larger one, are responsible for the ruin of the place (Alternative Enemy Packs). Is this all? There's much more - how could some dirty Kobolds conquer such an important place? It turns out that they have under their command a large Basilisk, which, thanks to a bewitched crown, the Kobold leader manages to subdue to his will. This crown was a gift from a wizard to a queen of a bygone era, and god knows how it got into his hands.
Along the way the players defeat several kobolds and a berseker that gave them more difficulties. In several rooms they found objects of interest (Loot module) and several notes, clues and signs of what happened. Will they manage to discover the plot of the dungeon? Will they investigate enough to defeat the dungeon boss, destroying his crown? Or will they face a large basilisk head-on, with all its arsenal, and meet the same fate as the dead merchants found in the halls? As a reward, the kobold had gathered a great treasure and hidden it there. (rewards and treasures module). In the end the area has been freed from the problematic.